Eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice may increase the amount of vytorin in your blood, which may increase your risk for serious side effects.
Information about Vytorin.
Take this medication regularly in order to get the most benefit from itRemember to take it at the same time each dayIt is important to continue taking this medication even if you feel wellMost people with high cholesterol or triglycerides do not feel sick.
In one studyconcomitant administration of digoxin with simvastatin resulted in a slight elevation in plasma digoxin concentrationsPatients taking digoxin should be monitored appropriately when VYTORIN is initiated.
The risk of myopathy is increased by reducing the elimination of the simvastatin component of VYTORINHence when VYTORIN is used with an inhibitor of CYP3A4e.gas listed belowelevated plasma levels of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitory activity increases the risk of myopathy and rhabdomyolysisparticularly with higher doses of VYTORINSee WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS and CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGYConcomitant use of drugs labeled as having a strong inhibitory effect on CYP3A4 is contraindicatedsee CONTRAINDICATIONSIf treatment with itraconazoleketoconazoleposaconazolevoriconazoleerythromycinclarithromycin or telithromycin is unavoidabletherapy with VYTORIN must be suspended during the course of treatment.
The most common adverse reactions in the group treated with VYTORIN that led to treatment discontinuation and occurred at a rate greater than placebo were:
If you also take cholestyraminecolesevelamor colestipolTake your ezetimibe and simvastatin dose 2 hours before or 4 hours after you take the other medicine.
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