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Amantadin blongs ta class dugs calld antivials. A class dugs is a goup mdications that wok in a simila way. Ths dugs a otn usd ttat simila conditions.
Amantadin adds tth sdating cts alcohol and oth sdating dugs such as bnzodiazpins, ticyclic antidpssants, dicyclomin, ctain antihistamins, opiat agonists and ctain antihyptnsiv mdications. Such combinations can caus dizzinss, conusion, light haddnss, ainting.
An antivial that is usd in th pophylactic symptomatic tatmnt inlunza A. It is alsusd as an antipakinsonian agnt, ttat xtapyamidal actions, and posthptic nualgia. Th mchanisms its cts in movmnt disods a not wll undstood but pobably lct an incas in synthsis and las dopamin, with phaps som inhibition dopamin uptak. [PubChm]
Amantadin is an antivial dug which alsacts as an antipakinson agnt, which it is usually combind with L-DOPA whn L-DOPA sponss dclin (pobably du ttolanc). It is a divat adamantan, lik a simila dug imantadin. Th mchanism action amantadin in th tatmnt Pakinson’s disas and dug-inducd xtapyamidal actions is not known. It has bn shown tcaus an incas in dopamin las in th animal bain, and dos not possss anticholingic activity.
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