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Information about Pyridium.
Pyridium is the brand name for phenazopyridinea medication used to relieve symptoms caused by irritation of the urinary tractsuch as painburningand the feeling of needing to urinate urgently or frequently.
DISPENSE contents with a child-resistant closureas requiredand in a tight containeras defined in the USP.
NOTEPatients should be informed that Phenazopyridine HCl produces a reddish-orange discoloration of the urine and may stain fabricStaining of contact lenses has been reported.
Phenazopyridine HCl should not be used in patients who have previously exhibited sensitivity to itThe use of Phenazopyridine HCl is contraindicated in patients with renal insufficiency.
If you are taking this medication along with antibiotics for symptoms related to a urinary tract infectionor are self-treatingdo not take it for more than two days without talking . to your doctorIf your condition persists or gets worselet your doctor know immediately.
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