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Information about Shatavari.

The herb is thought to be adaptogenicwhich means that it may help to regulate the body’s systems and improve resistance to stress.

Results of earlier studies involving mice and rats suggest that shatavari may have additional health benefitsthough it is unclear whether humans will experience similar effects.

Shatavari is thought to have a diuretic effect that inhibits the body’s ability to absorb sodiumThis means that people taking the supplement may have a higher risk of becoming dehydratedAnyone taking diuretic medication should avoid shatavari.

In this articlewe look at the useshealth benefitsand side effects of shatavariand whether it is safe to take during pregnancy.

Recent studies suggest that the root could provide a number of health benefitsHowevermore studies are needed before this herb can be recommended to treat any specific conditionand it is not currently used in clinical medicine.

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